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A final response to the "Tell me why Trump is a terrible businessman"

Trump shows he doesn’t know how the economy works by thinking he can fix the debt by just printing more money.

Trump wants to go back to the Gold standard despite warning from economists.

Trump proposes tanking the economy so he could renegotiate the public debt and pay discounted prices to investors of US Treasury bonds.

Trump proposes plan that would shrink the economy by 2% according to experts.

Trumps Trade War with China would increase the price of everyday goods and products up to 40% or more.

Trumps current spending plan would bankrupt the country.

Trumps Tax cuts would add $24.5 trillion to the national debt

Trump wants a $3.2 trillion tax cut for millionaires.

Trump thinks unemployment is really 40% despite the fact that would put the unemployment rate at twice the height it was during the great depression.

Trump lowers his number and thinks unemployment is 20% which is still wrong.

Trump win would tank stock market according to billionaire financial guru.

Trump ranked on the same level as ISIS in terms of causing global economy instability by Economist Intelligence Analysts.

Trumps claim about trade deficit is $200 billion dollars off.

Trump promises to decrease taxes without increasing the national deficit despite the fact that is literally impossible.

Far Right Conservative Think Tanks and Republican professors acknowledge Trumps plan would not only create an economic collapse but a breakdown of basic everyday life.

Trump declares bankruptcy… Four, Six separate times.

Trump $3 billion dollars in debt in 1991.

Trumps Entertainment Resorts are forced to declare bankruptcy. Trump lies and claims “I have nothing to do with the company,”

Trumps Casinos were failures.

Trump refuses to pay back wages to his wife's personal assistant unless he signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Trump accused of illegally withholding checks from employees.

Trump hires illegal workers and pays them below minimum wage.

Trump accused of engaging in incidents of physical assault, verbal abuse, intimidation, and threats of physical harm towards workers to suppress unions.

British Human Rights Journalist says conditions for workers at Trumps Dubai Golf course are “The worst I have ever seen”

Trump tries to start his own Mortgage company right before the housing bubble crash and fails.

Trump tries to start his own airline and in three years never turns a profit.

Trump tries to make his own monopoly ripoff, twice. Predicted 2 million units sold. It gets no where near that and fails.

Trump tries to make his own Vodka line. He promises it will beat Grey Goose and it fails.

Trump tries to make his own steak line. It’s discontinued due to poor sales and he fails.

Trump tries to start his own magazine, it fails.

Trump tries to start his own travel site, it fails.

Trump tries to make a Tour De France rival called Tour de Trump that fails.

Trump tries to make his own football league it fails, he loses $30 million dollars. Then he tries to sue the NFL for $1.7 billion.

Trump starts his own line of vitamins, consumer watchdog groups and health experts label it as a scam. It also fails.

Trump somehow thinks ISIS has become competition against him in the real estate industry after falsely believing they started building their own Hotels.

Hundreds claim Trump refused to pay bills.

When asked about his companies regularly violating the Fair Labor Standards Act Trump says, “That’s the way it should be.”

Trump defrauds students through scam university.

Trump makes racist comments about Judge in the class action lawsuit involving said scam university.

Trump takes a $40 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank and when they ask him to repay the loan he refuses and sues them for $3 billion dollars.

Trumps daughter recalls story during her childhood when Trump pointed at a homeless man saying he was 4 billion dollars richer than him because, “that’s how much debt I’m in.”

Trump Bribes corrupt government officials to seize elderly woman’s house using eminent domain to get more Limo Parking Space.

Trump tried to use eminent domain to steal the house of a Holocaust survivor.

Trump uses slumlord tactics of hiring thugs to physically intimidate tenants.

Trump retaliates against tenant for filing complaint by drilling holes in her ceiling and filling her apartment with construction dust. (Tenant later dies of lung cancer.)

Trump picked stock fraud felon as senior adviser.

Trump brand used to swindles buyers out of life savings through fraud in failed Condo project.

Trump named in over 3,500 lawsuits.

Trump uses bribery and secret financing to circumvent state law and stop competitors.

Trump is fined 200,000$ in 1992 by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement for not allowing blacks or women onto his casino floor while racist Mafia leader is gambling.

Trump tries to violate Antitrust regulations through purgery and identity theft to steal two separate companies.

Court case implicated Trump in fraud, money-laundering, conspiracy, perjury and the theft of trade secrets.

Trump violates federal gambling laws.

Trump outright commits tax evasion.

Trump commits felony and lies to the Securities and Exchange Commission about company earnings with the hope of cheating taxes.

Trump steals over $300,000 from worker pensions.

Trump hires Illegal Immigrants over U.S citizens.

Trump hires Illegal Immigrants again but this time defrauds them of pay.

Trumps makes majority of products in China.

Not even Trumps Make America Great Again Hats are made in America.

Trump violates immigration laws by sneaking Illegal Immigrants into the U.S for modeling jobs then refuses to pay them.

Trump hires a financial analyst to gauge his Taj Mahal Casino project, the analyst says that the project would fail by the end of that year. Trump sues the analyst demanding he says it will succeed. By the end of the year the Casino declares bankruptcy.

Trump sues small travel agency founded in 1985 for coincidentally sharing his name.

Trump sues small Georgia business for making “Trump Cards” in 1988 despite the fact they weren’t even referencing his name.

Trump sues a small Indian restaurant for sharing the name of one of his Casinos. That restaurants name? “The Taj Mahal”

Trump sues union when they reveal that Trump doesn’t even stay in his own hotels.

Trump tries to sell the Empire State Building despite not owning it. He then sues the real owner in retaliation.

Author Timothy O’Brien calls Trump a millionaire instead of a billionaire. Trump responds by suing him for $5 billion dollars. O’Brien gets to court and is able to prove Trump had been lying about his net worth and was in reality worth between $150 and $250 million.

Comedian, Bill Maher responds to Trumps demands for Obama to release his birth certificate to prove he was born in America saying Trump should release his to prove his mother had not mated with an orangutan. Trump responds by suing Bill Maher for 5 million dollars.

Later when asked if Trump knew Maher was joking and didn’t actually think Trump was the product of bestiality Trumps responds with “I don’t think he was joking. He said it with venom.”
(I just want everyone reading this to take a moment and wonder how people would react if Hillary tried to take away a comedians free speech and make them pay her millions over making a joke about her)

Trump sues employee for quitting.

Trump threatens to sue artist after his supporters find where she lives, stalks and attacks her because she made a painting of him with a small penis.

News outlet threatened with lawsuit over writing story about Trumps hair plugs.

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[Table] IAmA: I am Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Michael D'Antonio -- I'll Tell You the Truth About Trump, Ask Me Anything!

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Date: 2016-06-09
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Questions Answers
How was it meeting and interviewing all of his family members? Any big surprises there? His kids are smart, and well spoken. I was pretty shocked, though, when Donald Jr. told me that the family believes that people are like "ace horses" and that breeding is what matters. he said he was the product of the breeding of a high quality mother and a high quality father so he was genetically destined to succeed at a high level. Very weird stuff to say on the record His wife Ivana was interesting. She started to tell me she thought that Donald could be explained as a guy who was never loved and sought to make up for it by seeking attention from the world. Then she stopped and said, "You know, I don't really understand him at all." She's known him for forty years and still doesn't get him.
Do you think Trump was always serious about being president or do you think it was initially for publicity and now he's just running with it? He actually first thought about running fo president in 1987. He went to NH and gave a campaign speech and listened as people said he should run. In 1999 he ran for the Reform Party (Ross Perot's old organization) nomination but dropped out before the convention. In both those cases he was also promoting books and making money giving speeches. But I think he liked the idea of running and was planning for this day His candidacy was serious from the start...but he always leaves himself an "out" if things go badly. In this case he always said he would drop out if he was treated unfairly. Then he started to win primaries and dropping out became a non-option
Do you think Trump has a sense of morality? Good question. He understand right and wrong on a basic level, but he doesn't have a lot of empathy for other people. He judges every situation on the basis of how it affects him.he also will take things to places where others won't order to get what he wants. Related to this is an exchange I had with him about his criticism of a famous elderly actress. Kim Novak. He tweeted horrible stuff about her. I asked him about it and his reply was "I don't think I got into a lot of trouble for that." He didn't understand that he hurt her and that was what I was asking about
What do you think of his foreign policy? Do you think he would increase or decrease America's standing in the world? I think that he wouldn't change much of anything. When he talks about the difficulties in our military much of that has to do with the men, women, and materiel...built up over more than a decade of fighting. Our forces are depleted, but they will be restored no matter who is elected.
Another thought on foreign policy. This is hard to judge, since he hasn't said much other than that he wants to make US allies pay more for defense. It is possible he could get this to happen, but the truth is the US benefits from being in the countries we we operate bases. The alliances benefit us too.
Do you expect to be attacked by Trump for doing this? What do you think he would say about you today? I'm sure he would say that I'm a loser, I'm very dishonest, and scum...just like all the reporters he excoriates at his campaign rallies. The thing is, he doesn't mean it. This is a technique he uses to create a fake enemy so he can get attention. He also wants to discredit the press so that when he gives a speech he can say, "Believe me, folks. Don't believe the lying press." It's an old trick...but it sometimes works That's why people put bumper stickers on their cars saying Don't Trust The Lamestream media.
As a non-American I ought to ask it. Is he really that bad? What can really and realistically happen if he's elected, in your opinion? Really good question. He is not a kind or decent person and he doesn't seem interested in learning about anything that is complex and difficult to grasp. The pursuit of the truth, about anything, doesn't seem to interest him that said, we have a robust political system that can put checks on a president. Congress holds power. the courts hold power. He can't get away with too much. That gives me hope The unfortunate thing is a Trump presidency would waste years when we could do better.
Is he just a character actor? Is this all an avant garde performance? Seriously though, is this wall thing serious? What ridiculous promise could he actually follow through with? You make a good point. I think Trump set out in life to make himself into a character. He wanted to be known as The People's Billionaire. He thought this would be valuable in terms of promotion and understood that the public can relate to a cartoon better than to a complex man. Somewhere along the way the character took over. I think it now controls him and there is no difference between this fictional, constructed personality and the man himself. He's our first "meta" candidate.
What would you most like to tell us that no one has asked about yet? No one has asked whether I was threatened by Trump. I was. He said he could sue me if I did something he didn't like. Then his lawyer called me, and my publisher, to threaten to sue both of us. This was before the book was even published I was very careful to have good sources for the book and I recorded audio of every meetings, so I feel confident about what I published. And no one in the Trump camp has called to comlplain.
What do you think about Trump University? That was a case where Donald couldn't resist the money being offered to license his name. The "school" took in about $40 million. The problem is he didn't control the quality. It quickly became a ripoff scheme that took advantage of people who couldn't afford it. High pressure tactics were used to get them to buy $35,000 packages, Some even took out new credit cards to do it. As Donald would say, Sad.
How much is he worth? Donald says he's worth as much as $10 billion, but when Forbes magazine does it's in depdent assessment he always comes out much lower. One writer who specializes in business even suggested in 2005 that he was worth less than $1 billion. I would guess it's between $5 billion and $10 billion but it's all privately held and thus, not verifiable.
Isn't a lot of Trump's claims based on his "brand"? He gets paid to slap his name on steaks and business classes without actually having much to do with these products. You can have Trump water with your breakfast, a Trump steak for lunch, and Trump vodka at dinner and sleep on a Trump mattress. In the morning you can put on a Trump suit, shirt, and tie and go to work! yes, he's all about branding and you can never know how much of a company...resort, or product he owns.
I'm sorry, but can you actually have a Trump steak for dinner? The brand has been defunct for years. The "Trump steaks" he gave out in Florida were openly from another provider and just became Trump steaks because he declared them so. It's like having a priest bless a bottle of aquafina and suddenly it's holy water. There's not actually a trump steaks company anymore, right? You are right I should have written in the past tense. Trump products come and go the steaks have gone, I think!
What about that casino? How did he fail to take money from suckers on that one? Strange isn't it that he was in a business where the "house" always wins, and somehow he lost. The big probem there was that he got overextended with construction. He ran up huge debt he couldn't service. Also, Trump is a good deal maker but a so-so operators of businesses. He gets bored with managing complex service industries and doesn't do well.
Do you like Donald Trump as a person? Be honest. I liked him to hang out with. He was pretty funny. If he drank, I'd have a beer with him. He was also able to accept being teased. I complained that he kept chocolates on the table and never offered me one. He told me to take them all. And the next time we met he brought out water and juice for us. I thought that was petty nice of him.
Why do you think he decided to run for president? I think he was very angry with Obama...he hates his policies and considers him a failed president. He consider himself truly superior as a human being. When Obama dissed him at the White House Correspondents dinner in 2011, Trump was very offended. I think he decided to run them (Check out the video of that dinner. It's amazing.)
That was truly funny. Seems like a guy with an ego that big would lose his mind at the roasting Obama gave him. In some ways you want to say, `Poor Donald.' I think he hates being the butt of so many jokes and the object of ridicule. No one wants to be embarrassed. The problem is that he spends so much time ridiculing other people, and trying to divide us along racial and ethnic and religious lines, that it's hard to feel sorry for him. It's like the kid who is a bully. You kn ow he's acting the way he does because someone treated him badly at some point. But you have to stop him from bullying others first.
What is the most interesting story Trump told you in your meetings? He told me that at the military school, which he attended from age 13 to 18, the instructive actually punched out the cadets. It sounded like a very brutal environment. I felt bad to the Donald who was a boy and was suddenly sent away to the place. His two brothers and two sisters stayed home with the parents. Donald was sort of banished.
Why was only he "banished"? He says that it was because he was a kid who talked back too much to his parents and teachers. He has a VERY strict father and I'm sure he was a tough kid to parent. But the thing is, I never found any evidence that he was "that" bad. He engaged in normal rebellious behavior, but nothing extreme I wonder if he father wasn't trying to create a more disciplined young man becuase he had already selected Donald as his main heir. He wanted a super strong kid. Just a thought.
How is Donald Trump outside of the limelight? Is he the same on and off camera? He's the same as the guy you see on camera...but a little quieter at times. Whats interesting is that in the few moments when he started to drop the facade, and speak from the heart, I liked him. However when he noticed that he's speaking in this way he stops himself. He almost doesn't want to be known in this way.
Last updated: 2016-06-09 19:47 UTC | Next update: 2016-06-09 19:57 UTC
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